domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

How To Prepare a Schlenk Tube


Our objective is to demonstrate how to set up a Schlenk tube and explain what we use it for. 


A Schlenk tube or Schlenk flask is a reaction vessel used mainly in air sensitive chemistry. This is, chemistry where we observe the reactivity of chemical compounds with some constituent of air (atmospheric oxygen, water vapor, carbon monoxide…).
It was invented by Wilhem Schlenk, a German chemist and it is made of borosilicate glass, which is resistant to thermal shocks. These occur when temperature causes different parts of an object to expand. When using a Schlenk tube, we might need grease to join stopcock valves and ground glass to prevent glass pieces from fusing. In this post we will explain how to set up a Schlenk tube and how to use a Vacuum line, which consists on a dual manifold with several ports.

Lab Session I - The properties of substances and their bonding

1.    A table of results.

Melting Point
Solubility in Water
Solubility in Acetone
YES  *

*Dissolved in a liquid

2.    The type of bonding present in each substance.

Iron: metallic bonding
Paraffin: covalent bonding
Starch: covalent bonding
Iron Sulphate: ionic bonding

3.  A secondary table to show “expected” results. 

Melting Point
Solubility in Water
Solubility in Acetone
YES  *

4.  A conclusion comparing the actual results with the expected results.

As we can see when we compare our results table and the expected results table, the experiments with starch didn’t go as expected. Starch is considered a covalent compound, however the results weren’t as they should be considering the type of compound it is. This is because starch is an organic compound (more specifically a carbohydrate). It is a chain of monosaccharide, forming a polysaccharide which has a very fibrous structure and forms very strong bonds. This is the reason that it has a high melting point and is insoluble in water. Starch doesn’t dissolve in acetone because we’re assuming that acetone is a covalent compound and therefore non-polar. However, acetone is an exception and is polar.

In the experiments with iron and paraffin, the same happened with the solubility in acetone. The polarity we were assuming acetone had was non-polar and this is why the results varied. 

Another thing that shouldn't have happened according to the properties of the metallic bondings is the dissolution of iron in water and acetone. This could be due to the state of the iron. Maybe it was in a very light powder and this is the reason why it dissolved. 

5. An evaluation that suggests improvements that could be made to your method.

One of the problems with this method is timing. We didn’t know the exact time at which the solute melted or at what precise moment it totally mixed with the solvent (water and acetone). 

We could solve the problem of the melting points by using a Melting Point apparatus, such as OptiMelt, which gives you the exact temperature at which the substance melts. We could: use the machine to calculate the melting point of the four substances, heat each substance (controlling its temperature with a thermometer) during 3 min, and if in these three minutes the substance hasn't reached the melting point temperature, it means that it has a high melting point, while if it has already reached the exact temperature, it means that it has a low melting point. 

Also, we didn’t wait the same amount of time in each experiment, so probably the results are very weak and unreliable. This could be solved by using stopwatches and recording the same amount of time for all the experiments. As we have said before, 3 min should be enough.

The second problem is also related to the solubility of the substances. Even if we timed the time the solute took to dissolve, it would always be a rough measure as we were seeing it with a naked eye, that is, stopping the stopwatch when we thought the substance had dissolved. This could be solved by drawing something on a paper, and placing the test tube or the beaker over it. Thus, when we stop seeing the drawing, we know that the solute has dissolved.

However, when something dissolves in water the solution will most probably be transparent so we won't be able to see if it has completely dissolved. To make sure we have an accurate result we could draw a cross on a piece of paper and put it underneath the beaker and when the cross is utterly visible we will know that the substance is totally dissolved because the solution is transparent.  

Finally, we think that the results were not as expected because we didn’t use the same amount of substance in each experiment. This is, we couldn’t analyze the results equally, as these types of changes in what should be an independent variable are very significant. This could be improved by specifying how much quantity of solute we have to use.  To obtain a specific amount of solute of all the experiments we should measure it in a scale. This way will be sure that the amount is always the same.

6.  A minimum of 2 references (APA format)

Green, J., & Damji, S. (2001). Chemistry (1st ed.). Camberwell, Vic.: IBID Press.,. (2014). Paraffin. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from,. (2014). Iron (Fe) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from,. (2014). Organic Compounds. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from